Three 'not so wise' men(/a woman) and 'Abhaya'!!!
We live in the 21st century but we still act uncivilised! We preach unity in diversity but in all honesty the 'diversity' we talk about is not cultural, is it? At the end of the day, we'll all be reduced to bones or a pile of ash! It is true for every Homosapien no matter what race, colour, caste, religion, sexual orientation you are! But we can all agree on one thing....we love "Fear!" Fear of public opinion ( Ya, they definitely are the ones taking care of us, right?) Fear of Judgement (What will people say?!) Fear of abandonment, Fear of losing power and authority, Fear of Failure and so on and so forth! How else can you justify murdering a 19 year old in the 90's and getting away with it for 28 years?! I could rejoice the fact that justice has been served or take a moment and ask the question "Why did it take Bloody 28 years for you to do the right thing?!" Three adults who couldn't keep their pants on decided to take the life of a te...